Ftdi and cp21xx is also reported to have the uart-wifi issue,but only with v1.1. i have no such issue with v1.0 and a cp2102 (edit: sry it is cp2104,cp2102 fail). So something has changed in v1.1. If it will be fixed in next rev it’s ok. I was not sure you’re working on it.i will try to compare v1.1 shematic with v1.0.
Edit: the circuit above is same in v1.1 and v1.0. So probably not the cause for the issues.
As steven told you,v1.1 are only adding hole for 2230 nvme, moving bootswitches together, add common usb2 and a sata power connector.
We also bought pl2303 to test v1.0 and v1.1, both will have this issues. Also discussed this with steven, he recommend ftdi.We have tested ch340,cp2102,FT4232, all are ok.
hi, @simon, ch340G seems not working too, have one from r2pro-tests, currently have a larger ft232RL connected with mini-usb…i hope the CH340E i ordered recently working…cp2102 is also failing…cp2104 works,but found no small ones on ebay or aliexpress for in-case use
is there any other small usb2uart adapter having mounting-holes and micro-usb/usb-c connector working here? any way to fix this problem (in future hw-revs)?
For metal case i guess it needs some ventilation holes and holes for mounting a (40x40mm) fan. And selecting fan voltage by a switch (without soldering) would be nice.
what is the state of the serial connection/ WLAN problem?
I’m using a MAX3232 to connect the BPI-R3 v1.1 via RS232 to my PC.
when I power up with BPI-R3 / TX connected: WLAN reproducibly fails.
when I power up with BPI-R3 / TX disconnected: WLAN reproducibly is OK
when I power up with BPI-R3 / TX connected (but ‘grounded’ with 1k resistor): WLAN reproducibly is OK
only power ups are affected. A reboot instead has no effect. I.e. WLAN keeps working OK or keeps failing dependend on the state of the initial power up.
so the BPI-R3 for me apparently misinterprets a connected TX (producing some voltage) as strapping pin which prevents WLAN from working later. Strapping pins only are scanned within a few seconds after a power up and NOT after a warm reboot. That’s why you may reconnect TX on the fly a few seconds after power up and everything works like a charm.
permanently grounding the TX serial line via an 1K resistor lowers the voltage sufficiently enough to workaround the issue in all situations.
a 3.2k resistor still is sufficient to work around the problem. Higher values don’t safely work around though (at least for MAX3232)
a 3.2k resistor simply anywhere between BPI-R3/TX (e.g. TX on BPI-R3 serial pin header) and ground works.
BPI-R3/RX is not affected at all. I.e. RX line may stay connected at any time (even without work around) and has no impact on the issue
so my theory is: the BPI-R3 firmware scans the voltage on TX (instantly after power up) and if there is detected a ‘high state’ WLAN fails later (i.e. wlan0/wlan1 devices are missing).
If you power up the board with disconnected TX but manually connect a few seconds later (long before the first kernel messages appear) the problem does never occur. So the firmware scans the strap at the very beginning of a power up.
correct. The value of the workaround-“pull-down” resistor depends on the “strength” of the voltage inadvertently produced on the TX line (originating from the connected serial adapter).
I have no choice. I must use my MAX3232 (only for level shifting) to connect over RS232. The workaround described above simply works. But basically works for all other serial adapters as well. That’s enough for me ATM. Thanks for listening.