[BPI-R4] Replacing sinovoip FAN from heatsink

Hi @oli I’d love to see your final result also, looking for inspiration for my build :slight_smile:

The SFP is cooled with a noctua 5v fan running at 3.3v via gpio.

Hi @t3k the pictures are still up maybe your ISP / router are blocking imgur ?

Thanks both for sharing your solutions. You’re right @TheServer201 it was ublock origin and brave shields which blocked the imgur pictures, odd enough…

Your two solution sounds nice, what are your temps after months of usage ?

Temps are around 15-25°C above ambient depending on the load.

i have 44°C on cpu and 33°C on sfp, but i also have a high ambient temp (26°C). Under heavy load it can go up to close to 50°C but not higher. SFP is on max. load at about 55°C.

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Your temps looks great ! Could you please tell me where you ordered the perforated top plate ? I think I’ll go for your build

Alu Lochblech 1 mm, Rundloch ø 3 mm, Rv 3-5, dimensions 154 x 101 mm with 0.8 - 1mm thickness

Good morning Oli, great cooling work. I only had one heatsink on the sfp+45, my temperatures depend on which line reaches the banana WAN.

on 1gb WAN 45 degrees maximum load.

on 2.5gb WAN 55 degrees maximum load.

on 10gb WAN 71 degrees maximum load.

seeing the temperatures you have, I’m going to use your method to get temperatures below 60 degrees on 10gb.

thanks for sharing your method, I’ve already ordered 2 NF-A4x10 5V, I have 2 bananas.

my temperatures on the rest of the antennas and cpu are correct.

I’ll leave you a screenshot of the 10gb line to banana WAN

dont forget to buy a heatsink for the sfp and cpu

Good morning, I’m waiting for 2 NF-A4x10 to come from Amazon.

This is the second banana I was setting up. I’ve sent you a photo of how I have it now.

The first one, which is the one I had already set up, when working at 10g the temperatures are critical.

Both in 2.5 and 1gb the temperatures are good.

I found the way you have put it and it seems great to me.

I hope the temperatures drop a lot in all the ways of working.

had the same problem, sfp died after a short time of usage. you can test it with the case open, when it works, it will work with the new case top.

Good afternoon, I have them working at 2.5GB at the moment, the temperatures are correct and I have no overheating problem.

Thank you

Good morning @era these are my temperatures at the 2.5gb wan input + 2.5g lan output pc card

The temperature shoots up when they enter the 10gb wan of my internet provider from the main line as you saw in my previous photo

I should receive the 2 NF-A4x10 5V fans around the 15th.

What is not clear to me is the part through GPIO, could you explain this part to me, I see in your image that you take 2 GPIO cables going directly to the NF-A4x10 5V cables, can you tell me the pins, in your photo when I see it covered, could you explain this to me.


thanks for your help

i am on vacation for 2 weeks. i will respond in 2 weeks. but the gpio pins should be pretty clear: en:bpi-r4:start [FW-WEB Wiki]

Good afternoon, enjoy your holidays. I will wait for your return as I am very bad at electronics. I will ask my son if he understands it clearly. I assume he understands it more than I do. He studies computer science and should know.

I do have cables that can be used to connect to the GPIO pins. My son will know the pins from what you have sent me.

Enjoy the holidays and thank you

it must be pin 1 and 9, 3.3v and GND. Cut the cable of the FAN, then connect the wires to the plugin cables and plug them to the GPIO. IIRC i did not solder them, i simply curled them together and then used tape, yeah not a good solution, better would be soldering. IIRC it was for testing but it runs perfect, so i totally forgot that soldering part :wink:

Good afternoon @era, I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

As soon as you receive the fans, we will get to them.

A question: if the fan is 5v, why do you put it at 3.3v so that it makes less noise and runs at a slower speed?

GPIO also has 5 volts, I just want to know, I already told you that I don’t understand much about electronics

I also have this type of connector that might be better for making the joints.

Thanks for your help, and continue enjoying your vacation

i let them run at 3.3v because then its absolutely silent and more then enough speed to cool everything

Thank you very much for the explanation.

Have a nice holiday