[BPI-R4] Replacing sinovoip FAN from heatsink

Hi, i have the heat sink with fan from sinovoip and it works. But the sfp+ ports are getting hot as hell, so i thought i’ll replace the stock fan with another one from noctua and also put one noctua on both sfp+ ports. I ordered this cooler NF-A4x10 5V and its awesome. I would love to use one of those, but… i have no idea how to get it working with PWM. I thought the pin layout is something like: + - pwm, but frank told me thats “sense” or something like that (no idea what this is tbh, i am java dev, not embedded dev). When i connect that FAN it spins with full speed which is clearly hearable (i live next to the router, maybe 2m is my main sitting location from my home cinema). When i run that FAN with ~3.5V its impossible to hear and still produces a lot of cool air. The FAN starts at ~2.3V spinning. So i thougth… maybe there is some way to get a 3.3V from the board or somehow use the “pwm”. But all noctua FANs with PWM have 4 pins, not 3. Anyone an idea?

I am considering now to create a little circuit (method #1 from How to Level Shift 5V to 3.3V | Random Nerd Tutorials) to bring it down to 3.5V, but i’ll wait for some answers before i start anything :slight_smile:


A 3 pin fan does not have a pwm pin.

To control the pwm of this fan, the board needs to apply pwm to the supply pin.

A 4 pin fan, only a pwm signal (low current) can be send to the fan. Inside the fan electronics, the high current of the fan motor is switched, according to pwm signal.

Ok, so that means the schematic/picture is wrong, because it states: File:Banana Pi BPI-R4 interface.jpg - Banana Pi Wiki - 5V Fan with PWM on PH-3PIN. Is there any way to get that pwm signal from the board? Or do you see any other way to get a silent system? Is it reasonable to create a little circuit so i get 5v->3.5v from PH-3PIN and use that as supply for the noctua?

So it applies the pwm to the supply pin.

You could use a gpio pin that can be set to pwm.

But anyway, you also have a 3 pin fan, so you would also need a mosfet.

Can you explain me how this works when the pwm signal is sent to the supply pin? Does it change the voltage? Or is this some proprietary “signal” hidden behind the voltage? I dont get that… So when i buy the 4pin variant of this FAN it should work? Should i connect the Vin then to pwm too, so the fan can extract the pwm signal?

PWM = Pulse Width Modulation.

Why not use:


If i use this, i must place it somewhere in the case. There is already nearly no space left when i use 2 of those noctua fans. Also not sure where i should get the temperature from. Or do you mean i should use this and set the output to 3.5V? It states fan current: 0.8A. One noctua needs 0.4A (measured on my “laboratory” power supply) - might this become a problem?

Set the temperature sensor on the sfp cage.

This is smaller


Oh thats a nice idea, but i am wondering whats the advantage compared to using 2 resistors and let it run with 3.5V? Because the SFP+ cages are always hot. Maybe thats a nice idea for the cpu fan. I am already looking to replace the original heat sink and replace it with one that does not have a cut-out. Then i could place the sensor on that and use the controller for the cpu fan. But… when i create a 3.5Vout “component” i could use both FANs and just let them run. I have resistors and a lot of such small components here now, so i could instantly start. When i order, i have to wait. What would you do?

I would try to see what is really needed inside the sfp cages and see if that what I need can be done with generating less heat.

I know that its working on full speed, but thats not what i am looking for. I would go nuts if this thing turns on and off all 5-10 minutes.

@ericwoud I’ll build the simple voltage limiter to 3.5v with 2 resistors (should not produce that much heat, shouldnt it?) and see how it works.

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Why do you think that? Please clarify.

The 3 pins connector on the R4 and the included fan are non standard and have for pinout 5V (red wire) GND (black) and PWM (yellow). Your fan has a RPM signal instead of the PWM like nearly all 3 pins fans. There are two ways to use a PWM signal to control these fans (read the 2nd and following paragraphs of “Controlling Fan Speed” on page 6 of this datasheet). Another option is to buy the NF-A4x10 5V PWM and makes an adapter (I have done just that with a NF-A8 5V PWM mounted on a 3d printed plate to replace the top plate of the case).

I can give you some support with pictures:

The R4 has on the backside the labeling:


I’ve made the adapter using this cable and a 4 pins connector (don’t forget to check required pins). To remove the 3 pins connector of the cable I’ve used the pins as the thin object in the image below. extraction

Hello Oli,

I think you know now what the difference between a PWM and Voltage controlled fan is …

And Banana PI drop away “RPM Speed Signal” pin on the R4 board. That also brings me in some trouble my first time!

You can inform you at R3 about equal topics - for example:

→ there is were i made my first steps :see no evil:. But there are more R3 fan chats …

One of your questions was how to get 3,3 voltage?

The 26 Pin GPIO header delivers that by default:

→ hoping that a fan do’s not have to much amps for the task!

I had the same thinking like you.

  • One big fan?
  • Two small fans?
  • How to get the temperature reading? Can I read it out and control a PWM Fan over the 26 Pin header? → May be :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yes, i knew that before my initial posting. But the schematics clearly states “PWM” and not “Voltage controlled”. @TheServer201 mentioned that the 3rd wire of the R4 is indeed pwm, but there seems to be nearly no fans that by default have this layout. I will read further today when i am back from the meeting now.

Unfortunately, it would be better to have 3.5-3.7v, i assume thats the sweet spot (not hearable and max. air flow), not sure if 3.3v would be enough. But i will test that today with gpio and 3.3v as i assume, thats the easiest to achieve compared to creating again jst connectors … i am too old for such small stuff :wink:

One noctua requires 0.4A. And i know now what my “goal” is: one fan should be fixed at ~3.6v for the sfp ports (but will try it with 3.3v today) and the other controlled by pwm (if possible) or also at ~3.6v. Do you know whats the max. wattage is of the gpio pins? Can the 3.3v handle 0.8A?

@TheServer201 thanks i will read this in about 7h and probably ask some more questions :slight_smile: Can you maybe share a picture of your R4 where your fan is located?

The pwm pin just pwm’s 3.3v at 2A, according to schematic. You can connect any load that can operate with these levels.

The mosfet is hooked up differently, so no 2A switching…

So you would need a mosfet to drive a 2 or 3 wire standard fan.
