I want to use banana pi m3 over a mobile robot. So I sholud use wifi to connect it. But Banana Pi 's own wifi is working very slowly. How can I make it more faster?
When wifi is working slow I tried to use Realtek RTL8192cu with install it’ s driver but wifi didn’ t be active. Can anyone help with it?
The vendor ‘forgot’ to compile drivers for the most common external Wi-Fi dongles and also lacks the skills to provide linux kernel headers to enable you building ANY device driver on your own. So you can’t compensate from broken onboard Wi-Fi without downloading their whole BSP from Github and compiling an own kernel.
Happy suffering with this great device and this superiour vendor support!
are you test our image ,wifi working fine . why not to test it , or you can do and help us , if not ,go away, You has no contribution to this project:sweat_smile:
You have to put BPi M3 as near as possible to the AP. Try to reduce distance to 1m or maybe 50cm! Everything above 3m is known to not work reliably. This is confirmed by all users and denied by @sinovoip again and again