I have a defect Banana Pi M2U. Are you interesting in a defect board to analyze the reason of its death ? By the way a question about the LED between AP6212 and AXP 221S it is now dark. What is signalized with this LED?
please test our newest image
Thank you very much, it is running again. But as already mentioned in an other thread I have defects in memtester diagnostics. During bit flip test I get a FAILURE and when a bigger chunk of memory is used like 1,8GB than the system freezes without any feedback. It seems that the DDR-memController-calibration is configured out of specs for this kind of chips. I took the application from debian with apt-get install memtester. By the way this was the reason to change to armbian because I could get to the sources and build teh system fron scratch, but it does not boot at all. Can I find a way to do this also with BPI-Projects in git, is there a wiki to get it build ?