1 Wire is not supported at the Moment. 3 of 4 Modules work. The only one which dont work is the: w1-gpio.
I have changed this File:
this points:
afther that you copy the modules and uImage.
Follow the inscrutions of Readme.md…
At least you can start the modlules
sudo modprobe wire
sudo modprobe sunxi-gpio
sudo modeprobe w1-sunxi gpio=3
to gpio=… the pin you want
sudo modeprobe w1-therm
this fails:
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
So i hope the developers use that Infos to get 1-Wire work. 
At least sorry for my bad englisch…
Sorry, but your whole approach can’t work. The simple truth: You bought the only SBC in the world where the vendor chose to not enable 1-wire. I don’t know what they think about this… but it’s essentially just a shame.
You can copy modules and uImage to whereever you want, it won’t work. The kernel is normally part of an initrd so unless you fix uEnv.txt/fatload stuff they tried to implement (but failed and since they don’t test their software and don’t listen to their users they didn’t even notice – note: Both instructions and code are broken!) the uImage you copied over won’t be used at all.
The missing piece to get 1-wire working is here:
So you need to either recompile the whole BSP and fix this in sys_config.fex or you try to follow my instructions how to install their latest stuff and how to fix uEnv.txt to make reading of script.bin work: BPI-M3 new image:bpi-m3 Ubuntu 16.04 Beta Mate
Since then you can use the usual way to alter script.bin’s contents (bin2fex, edit and fex2bin later)
For further questions please ask @BrianBeuken, he’s the person who tells other users to leave the forum so I would suspect he can answer all your questions (since the vendor usually doesn’t respond to questions like yours)