Also, as mentioned in openwrt-forum, the value reported in LUCI/webgui might not be the correct noise value (all 3 bands always report the exact same noise level…), I now measure noise using the cli:
iw phy-2g survey dump | grep -B 1 noise
(replace phy-2g with the name of your device) - strangely (and probably the cause for the luci error), even if I only specify 2g-device, it reports noise for all wireless-channels:
BPI-R4 seems to report the noise value for the last AP on the list. So, it’s important to turn off the 6 GHz band when, e.g., trying to find the best channel for 5 GHz.
Thank you for your input. Do you think it’s possible for the noise to leak through the 12V power circuit, too? The filtering on the BPI-R4 looks rather bare-bones to me. I could take a look at the ripple with an oscilloscope, but I’m not sure what PtP range would be considered normal for this application.
Yes it’s certainly possible for this to be the case. For telecom power supplies about 100mVpp would be typical.
That said, it also depends a lot on what frequencies are present. Any harmonics through the 5GHz band will have a big impact