Hello BPI Team, and everyone who developing it. I try both Ubuntu image and LEDE image. And they all have same problem: The MAC address of eth0 and eth1 are random. I know that I can change it in “Network Connections”(Ubuntu) or “/etc/config/network”(LEDE). But for some reason it don’t work as my thought.
I try the LEDE image first. I Want use R2 as a high performant rother and NAS. Then I try BPI-R2 LEDE source code for hardware NAT. But when I want to use it as main rother formally. I saw the network name in my windows is “Network 14”. The “Network 2” to “Network 13” are not the same MAC address. But I have just two rother. One is daily use, other is that BPI-R2. Then I try to add “option macaddr *********” in “/etc/config/network”. It success! “IP a” show that MAC address is change. But network didn’t work at the same time.
I Use wireshark get the package. It actually send package with the MAC address which I set. But it just can’t get any package. of course no DHCP, no ARP, no anything.
Just not long ago. I saw BPI-R2 new image : ubuntu 16.04 V1.2.1 BT and WIFI AP mode are working fine 2017-11-27 and I install it in to emmc today. It works. Then I mark down the MAC address both eth0 and eth1. reboot. And Surprise! Not the same MAC address.
I try enter my MAC address in “Cloned MAC address” “Wired connection 1”. Save and reconnect it. It works! Then I change the language and reboot (I know it does’t need reboot, I just type it and press enter (QAQ) ). When it boot finish, the MAC address change again. The profile change to new one call “Wired connection 3”.
So, How can I do? Can anyone fix it? Or just I have this problem? Maybe this problem is not important for you. But not me. The network which i am use now have account-MAC bind.
I need a stable MAC.(In Chinese is: 锐捷MAC绑定 )
Forget my poor English please.