BPI-M3 new image:Banana PI BPI-M3 boot ubuntu 19.10 & debian 10 with grub

BPI-M3 new image:Banana PI BPI-M3 boot ubuntu 19.10 & debian 10 with grub


Banana PI BPI-M3 ubuntu 19.10 mate-desktop:

Banana PI BPI-M3 debian 10 lite

Thank you very much

I just need it

测试了一下,我的bpi-m3 烧录ubuntu-19.10不能正常启动

测试了一下,我的bpi-m3 烧录ubuntu-19.10也不能正常启动。是我操作的问题吗?

Hi. thanks for the effort to put debian 10 lite on BPI-M3. However, i’m not been able to install DESKTOP environment, for example GNOME. The device boots , but frezzes when i try to install desktop files!!

During the installation process the device restarts, or freezes. Can you check this?

Thanks! Great job! Is there thermal driver added? There is no /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp file.

Great work! THX. I’ve installed both Debian 10 & Ubuntu 19.10 on my BPI3. Both of them working properly. On Debian Buster I also have installed Mate Desktop successfully. There is no sound over HDMI…, waiting for kernel HDMI support…, also could not connect a SATA HDD, but mybe my fault…, continue trying.

How did you install it

Hi! Thanks for the images! I have tried both and the only stuff which does not work is SOUND! JACK neither HDMI! Any idea how to fix it, install missing driver or something ???

I have found that for some reason there is PCI module disabled in Linux Kernel

Is there any particular reason, it`s not? Any ideas how to enable it??? Thanks in advance:)

Why would you need a PCI support on a hardware that don’t have that component?

Thank for you answer! Well I am looking for sound solution - there is no driver for sound - and sound is crucial for my small project . So the question is :: How to fix the sound ???

I am afraid you will need to develop drivers since they are not: https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort

Armbian images should be fine now: https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m3/

Thanks igorpec! I will give a try! Is the sound card driver there ??

Didn’t test but it seems that it is not existing https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort

Use some USB sound card. That should work.

Hi sinovoip guys,

thank you for building this both new images for the M3. But could you explain , how to run/install ?! if i copy the ubuntu 19.10 with Win32DiskImager on a SD-card it boot very slow, after a apt update & apt upgrade it isn.t booting again , I see only a blinking curser on screen… if I copy with dd on emmc the image will not boot…and no grub menu will displayed either. could you give us a quick how to for this to install?!



Perhaps rather start here (this way): https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m3/

It has far greater support than “ubuntu 19.10 / debian 10” and will certainly survive update. Made few days ago … and you can recreate it if you like - from sources.

@igorpec Thank you for the support

the Armbian Bionic image is work like a charm:grinning:

…even booting from emmc also …with the integrated tools, copying form SD to emmc is also very simply…

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There is no M3 boot on debian-10-buster !!!