BananaPi BPI-M2Z(H2+) New Image Raspbian & Ubuntu Release 2018-07-09

BananaPi BPI-M2Z(H2+) New Image Raspbian & Ubuntu V1.1 Release 2018-07-09

1.About this release

  • This release is for banana pi M2Z board which is based on Allwinner H2+, We have two images release,Raspbian 8.0 is based on kernel 3.4 and Ubuntu 16.04 is based on kernel 3.4.

2.M2Z Raspbian 8.0 Features Map

3.M2Z Ubuntu 16.04 Features Map



Does either of these images support i2c and spi?

Hi, great to see that camera is working :slight_smile: Could you please give more information:

  • which camera (where to buy, URL would be great)?
  • which image you’re using; Raspbian or Ubuntu?
  • is the camera driver already build into the image? If not how to install it?

Many thanks in advance! Best regards MK_Munich

Hi Jackzeng, I downloaded the Raspbain image and burned it on an SD card and booted my Zero. It is amazing, that the CPU temperature remains cool.

Is it possible to copy the SD card to eMMC during running on Zero and to boot from eMMC lateron?

Best regards MK_Munich

Hello, both images are support camera

I use ov5640 camera, you can contact our sales to buy it.

yes, it was built in image, so you can use camera directly.

And Bpi-M2 Zero doesn’t have emmc.

you can find more infos in our wiki:

Hi, I’ve installed the new Raspbian 8 image. I get a prompt for username and password on my BPI M2Z? What will this password and username be. It’s a new install on a new board

Hello, user name and password are here:

  1. pi, bananapi
  2. root, bananapi

Hi Jackzeng,

Can you please share link for kernel source for raspbian. i need to build some drivers.

Hello,this is the repo for M2z,

more please see here:

Thank You @Jackzeng :slight_smile:

Unable to get wifi adapter recognised in the Raspbian image on BPI M2 Zero. Please help!

Hello,please use wpa_supplicant to enable Wifi

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Am Facing issue in modprobe 8188eu : exec format error.

Any solution to this.

OS: Raspbian

Hi @Jackzeng ,

BPI Zero is auto rebooting after SD card cloning.

Stuck at vmouse_input_dev_close and goes to restart loop.

what may be the issue ?

It don’t work. I burn the image then BPI M2 Zero boot up with some messages on screen (fast) and then blank screen. No video signal. Only if i reset the device, the same occur: Boot messages are show rapidly and blank screen and red led.

Only Armbian image works fine. Ubuntu and Raspbian not work!!! Only partial boot…

UPDATE: It don’t works at 1366x768 resolution of China’s LCD “TOP PC” series. I change it by a Dell Monitor and got HDMI video out with sucess! - But this forum has a poor support. I made a question and anyone could help me. The Raspbian image has some problems with wifi and audio too. Raspberry pi zero forum has a much batter support…

Have loaded the Raspbian image and it works like a champ! But I couldn’t find a config.txt file or it’s equivalent - there is a reference in /boot/bananapi/bpi-m2z/linux:boot.cmd that parameter changes should be made to /boot/armbianEnv.txt however that file doesn’t exist either.

I’ve tried creating those files, using simple R-Pi configuration statements (e.g. “display_rotate=2”) to no avail, and can’t discern whether:

  • the system isn’t looking for a config file at all;
  • is looking, but for a different file name or at a different location;
  • finds the fie but expects different parameter names than those used by R-Pi

Any light you can you shed on configuration options and how they are instantiated would be appreciated!

Sorry for the late rely, For first question, May I know how did you compile the 8188eu driver, maybe it is the compile (environment or cpu types different) problem?

For second question, could you give more logs? vmouse is a virtual input device, the reason is not probably on this.


after vmouse_input_dev_close , it will mount filesystem, Will it be other questions? image

Thanks for your advice, We will test more displays in the future.

what’s the problem with your wifi or audio?

you could use wifi by inputting commands on terminal, GUI could not support to operate wifi now.

here is the steps:


Hello, M2Z use allwinner chips, and the configuration file is “sys_config.fex”, and after you config your configuration file, you need to use command “fex2bin” to convert “.fex” to “.bin”. Also you could use “bin2fex” to convert “.bin” to “.fex” .

Command tools:


the fex file description is here:

Many, many Thanks, Jack!