I would like to test a camera with my BPI Zero but I am not 100% clear which camera modules are supported. I purchased this camera module when I bought the BPI Zero: http://wiki.lemaker.org/BananaPro/Pi:Camera_Module but it didn’t come with the correct ribbon cable.
Are there any recommended camera modules with example code available? Would the camera module that comes with the RPI-D1work with the BPI zero?
Thank you sinovoip for the note back. Based on the link above, I removed the OV5640 from the carrier board and attached directly to the Bpi zero.
The Armbian / Ubuntu image I got to work on the Bpi zero doesn’t have the user-space camera test tools installed that the link sinovoip provided listed. Is there a recommended place to obtain these? I found this link online:
which looks like this is an OV5640 driver tool. Is this the best utility to test camera output? What I really would like is to test piping h264 video output into a GStreamer pipeline. I have a good background with GStreamer, but not any experience with AllWinner chips, Banana Pi, or the ecosystem around the Banana Pi so any guidance and advice is appreciated!
Hi, I would like to get my camera working as well. I got a raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3 and a cable for BPi Zero.
The only image, I got working is this one:
It looks like, that ov7640 is not included, command “dmesg | grep OV” returns nothing and “modprobe OV7640” says “FATAL: Module OV7640 not found in directory /lib/modules/3.4.113-BPI-M2Z-Kernel”.
…I would take every kernel as long it is working with my camara at the end…
For this, I’m really interested in how to get it running. My goal is to record the video onto the SD card.
I took the Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.4.113-BPI-M2Z-Kernel armv7l). This kernel includes the OV5640 driver. Unfortunately I get:
root@bpi-iot-ros-ai:~# dmesg | grep OV
[ 44.884344] [OV5640@lex]init_sensor - frame_rate: 0, max_win_size: 11
[ 45.012240] [OV5640@lex]CSI_SUBDEV_PWR_ON!
[ 45.080148] [OV5640@lex]sensor_init 0x0
[ 45.080985] [OV5640@lex]sensor read retry=2
[ 45.080997] [OV5640@lex]error at sensor_detect
[ 45.081006] [OV5640@lex]chip found is not an target chip.
[ 45.081018] [OV5640@lex]CSI_SUBDEV_PWR_OFF!
Hi, it turns out, that my camera cable is wrong. Meanwhile I ordered an official camera module from lemaker as above, but I do not like the solution as described above.
Is there a cable available, fitting for BPi Zero ?
I’m wondering, that BPi Zero has a camera connector, but there is no camera available; neither a description how to get any camery working with the device??
I am having the exact same problem, I cannot find a camera module anywhere that works, did you have any luck with this? Also FYI, lemaker is no longer part of sinovoip, they had a falling out and have branched apart making different products under the same name, so lemaker products do not work with sinovoip ones.
I really am not impressed with the lack of support from BPI regarding this issue, they sell these boards with DSI/CSI for displays or cameras but then do not tell people where they can buy these displays or cameras from, the ones in their videos are not available on their store, nor do they seem to use any standardized interface.
@sinovoip@bpi@BPI_Justin@sinovoip1 BPI Team: if you want people to keep using your products you really need to work on your customer service and device support, making devices with features that are only available to yourselves or specialised equipment that only you have is not a good way to go. The reason the raspberry pi was so successful was because of the high level of support and quality of information available to users. You don’t even provide pin-outs or advanced information about your connectors or how users can interface with them. You have several confusing websites with broken links and incorrect / outdated information, you need to centralise and organise. If you want to be anywhere near as successful you need to work on this, the forums are full of people saying they are sending their products back for refunds because of the severe lack of support from your team and for the lack of third party device support (i.e. 3rd party displays, cameras etc.), your customers are unhappy and they are simply being ignored on the forums.