case 1: boot from sd (debian-10 + grub) + emmc (ubuntu-19.10)
a. bpi-copy 2019-10-21-debian-10-lite-k5.1-grub-demo-bpi-m64-sd-emmc.img.zip /dev/sdX
unzip 2019-10-21-debian-10-lite-k5.1-grub-demo-bpi-m64-sd-emmc.img.zip
and use etcher or win32diskimager to create sd
b. boot from sd (debian-10 + grub), then bpi-copy 2019-10-21-ubuntu-19.10-server-bpi-m64-non-boot-emmc.img.zip /dev/mmcblk1
if use case 1 to write emmc (ubuntu-19.10) ready, can try case 2
case 2: boot from sd (only with u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64) + emmc (ubuntu-19.10)
a. bpi-bootsel u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img.gz /dev/sdX
gunzip u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img.gz
and dd if=u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=8
b. boot from sd (only with u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64) + emmc (ubuntu-19.10 + grub)
case 3: boot from sd (u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64) + usbdisk (ubuntu-19.10 iso)
a. bpi-bootsel u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img.gz /dev/sdX
gunzip u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img.gz
and dd if=u-boot-2019.07-bpi-m64-8k.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1k seek=8
b. wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/19.10/release/ubuntu-19.10-live-server-arm64.iso
c. dd if=ubuntu-19.10-live-server-arm64.iso of=/dev/sdX
Me and Avafinger tried multiple uboots and arn trust firnwares but all failed.
Only pine64+ defconfig works for m64v1.2 while m64s defconf fails to even boot.
Please advice. This debain mainline release is not for v1.2. Kindly let us know what is new in v1.2 that is needed in atf and uboot.
I can confirm that the Mainline Uboot and mainline DTB for M64 doesnt work anymore on V1.2 the one sent to me.
it worked on older Versions.
I tried so many images which was built by @avaf.
The only uboot from mainline which worked is by anarsoul which was made for pine64+
I will have to use the same but it is not a good thing to use pine64 uboot & dtb as everything will not work on this device using other devices dtb.
Please check this link for the proof of how many images we tried on V1.2
Kindly check and advice. Thie image uploaded on this post doesnt work either. I have tried it on USB power as well as Power adaptor. I will try to replace the uboot and dtb for this image and see if it works.
Thanks for the reply. But It looks like My M64V1.2 had some weird issue with powering on using DC Connector. It would power down after `Starting Kernel …``` and the same img would run fine using power over Micro USB.
And finally today my device died completely.
reported it here.