# Windows 10 IoT Core for BPI-M64 Release Note (Beta_20160809)
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* **Release Date:** 2016-08-09
* **Kernel Version:** Windows 10 IoT Core version 1511
This is the first released version of Windows 10 IoT Core for BananaPi M64. Only part of features enabled and we will keep developing and update in time.This document will introduce how to deploy Windows 10 IoT Core to a BPI-M64 board and note known issues.
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## 1. [How to deploy](#1)
There are 3 tools that can be used to flash the ffu to a Pine64 board:
1. Using [Windows 10 IoT Dash Board](https://iottools.blob.core.windows.net/iotdashboardpreview/setup.exe);

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