Waveshare wm8960 audio hat hardware pin connection
Becarfull, Bananapi m2zero i2s pin define is different with Raspberrypi 40pin.
Download latest Bananapi m2zero armbian image, and flash it to sdcard
Copy sun8i-h3-i2s0.dts (1.6 KB) and wm8960_asound.state (13.1 KB) to sdcard /root directory
Insert sdcard to m2zero board and bootup
After bootup, replace the asound.state file and create sun8i-h3-i2s0.dtbo with armbian-add-overlay command.
armbian-add-overlay create dtbo file in /boot/overlay-user/sun8i-h3-i2s0.dtbo and enable load it in armbianEnv.txt
Reboot the board to apply the dtbo, then check the playback and record device.
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