Nope, never did that before, and I don’t think it is a good idea. A serial console certainly is nice to have but I would’nt go any risks for having it. Maybe future images have a different serial behaviour
But anyway, Thank you very much for your help. I really felt like a complete noob in this case (which I’m normally not)
again, the image on SD is independent from debug-UART on R2…later you set env-Vars to change this behaviour, but uart should work at least till first read of SD-card to debug Problems before that
bpi-r2 has a nice boot-menu you can select emmc-start (empty on my r2 so i did not tried it out).
now i’m out of my knowledge, maybe some tech (gary,sinovoip) can give an hint
That sounds interesting but I’m afraid I won’t ever get to see that menu
In the meanwhile I tried a different Notebook (just to make sure) and i played with stty. It seems to me that something in the background works as if it was a login prompt (not readable however) but i can enter something and there is some kind of response.
I just started the r2 without SD-Card and without harddisk and ttyS0 didn’t do anything.
you use the right usb-device?
as i remember some systems (rpi outgoing) create a ttyAMAx/ttyACMx-device which is same HW, but different driver. but if rpi works…i use same cable/settings/application
Yep, it is the correct device. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t even see garbage.
ttyAMA0 ist the device on Raspi.
But now I might have found something. I googled “prolific serial to usb garbage” and found a bunch of articles talking about poor hardware and even poorer drivers. Let’s see if I have something different in the workshop
I just remembered the usb2ftdi cable which I used to program mini arduinos. fetched it from the workshop and without any further doing I get a login screen.
Thank you very much for your patience with an old man. Problem closed
Ok thx its works,
but i get weird characters…
have you seen something like that?
could not start the image from sd, 2018-01-04-kali-xfce-desktop-v1.0-bpi-r2-sd-emmc.img
also with other images no success, need help, thanks for that.
i read in the forum and hope to have understood a lot
Maybe I’m incorrect here, but is that digitus device providing TTL lines? A serial port on the back your PC for example is a different electrical interface from the one on the PCB. Usually something like a MAX232 is used to convert from TTL to RS232… but I would get a device that converts TTL UART to USB directly.
For this reason I have ordered a couple of MAX232 modules with 9-pin standard rs232 jacks. No banana without a Max any more With this you can use a simple RS232-to-USB adapter
I tested it on my Linux notebook again.
This one has a COM port, with the same result.
@frank i can buy one, but it seems strange.
Otherwise you have tips for me…thx burton
please do NOT use a real Com-Port!!! RS232 has 12V you damage your board TTL=5V
you can use my reg-file from the another thread, there are all settings included (also the character-processing) which can be a Problem. or using minicom with the settings from my wiki
used icons so that this line is found easier when scrolling through (not for playing around )