Unable to get an image for the M2 Berry!

After a week of searching the world wide web and getting confused about all the different bananas, I’m getting pretty tired of all the unclear information. Did I buy a dead end or something with that M2 Berry for 60 euros where the seller refers to a dead end link? It also seems like all those Google Drive images take forever and crash at the end of the eg:(Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Bananapim2berry_jammy_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img.xz) 5 hour download. Armbian torrents only last 7 weeks and then it remains to be seen whether it can work apparently! Too bad my Chinese language is bad, because those other sites are unreadable for me. I would like to put some time into this, but so far I only have unstable/crazy downloads and downloads that I have to wait another 6 weeks for. Would it be wiser to send this thing back?

Did you try theese?