Ubuntu Mate on my BP-M1


I’d like to install Ubuntu Mate 16-04 on my BP-M1with this image “BPI-R1 new image:ubuntu-mate-16.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-bpi-m1-m1p-r1-sd-emmc 2016-07-21” but all links are dead!

Do you think I could install ubuntu mate 16-04-02 on my BP-M1?

Thanks for your help.

In case you are OK with Ubuntu 18.04, https://www.armbian.com/bananapi/

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Thanks for your answer. I didn’t know Armbian was based on Ubuntu 18-04. I’ll get my BP-M1 tomorrow and will try it!

It can be Ubuntu or Debian based. https://docs.armbian.com/Quick_facts/

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