Ubuntu 20 or 22 for M2-Ultra/Berry?

Any plans to move to a supported version of Ubuntu? 16.04 is end of life, 18 is about to drop off…


Old 3.10 allwinner kernel is not workable for higer rootfs

But surely V40 is supported at something higher than 3.1? I see R40 is supported at kernel 5.6

armbian kenele image :


and we will update ubuntu soon

Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi sinovoip,

It’s been a while now since the last message. Any status updates on the support of a more modern Ubuntu LTS version for the Banana-Pi M2 Berry?

Best, Blake

Check for Armbian. https://github.com/armbian/build

You can build whatever you want.

./compile.sh EXPERT=yes

Thank you igorpec. The Armbian project looks fantastic. I’ll try it out.

Hi @igorpec, unfortunately, the “stable” armbian 5.x kernel gives a kernel panic when shutting down the BPi M2 Berry in the i2c module. Is this a known problem? Also I noticed that the green disk LED is not working in both Armbian 5.x and 6.x kernels.

If you are using a microSD card, you should be able to assign disk activity to the green LED using the command (as root):

# echo mmc0 > /sys/class/leds/bananapi\:green\:user/trigger

If you’re using the eMMC, then the command would be:

# echo mmc2 > /sys/class/leds/bananapi\:green\:user/trigger

If you want to use if for the SATA disk, I think the command would be similar, but replace mmc0 with disk-activity. (But I don’t have a SATA disk connected to confirm this point.)

If you want to make the change permanent, then you can patch the device tree using the bindings you’ll find here:


I don’t know if there is something equivalent that can be done to make it flash on BOTH the microsd and the emmc.

I’m using Banana Pi M2 Berry.

Any updates for Banana Pi M2 Berry at least to Ubuntu 18.04 (20 would be perfect)?

Is 24.04 recent enough? :slight_smile: Bananapi M2U / Berry - Armbian