Hi, i have BananaPI BPI-M3, i have installed Ubuntu 16.04 Mate on the sd card. Can you tell me, how can i move everything, or just an image from the sd card to eMMC? Because the sd card is very slow and i want it on the eMMC for better speed. Is it possible to connect BananaPI with micro usb to comptuter and burn image straight to eMMC via Phoenix Suite, and how? The next problem, is with lm-sensors. If i want to check tempeture, it is telling me, it didn’t find any sensors, i think it needs some drivers, but i don’t know, where i can download them? The next question, is there a Lite version of Ubuntu 16.04 compatible with BananaPI m3? Because i don’t need a desktop and some other applications, which are installed for desktop using. The last 2 question, where can i check the cpu and ram clock speed? Because my banana pi even in a full load isn’t warm. And is it possible to completely turn off the gpu and HDMI output?
Thank you a lot for your helps and sorry for my poor english!
Hi What language do you speak CPU Temp.: https://forum-bpi.de/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=500 Do you have enough power?
Thank you for your reply, i speak Czech. The URL for CPU TEMP what you sended me isn’t working. Now i am getting tempeture info with cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp But it isn’t practical and it is just for one sensor. I found Ubuntu 16.04 Server version Preview2. Is it stable? I will try to burn the image to eMMC with PhoenixSuit.