Tutorial :Burning BPI-M5 Armbian image to eMMC in Windows

Before reading this tutorial, you need to first read Tutorial :Burning BPI-M5 Armbian image to SD card in Windows - banana pi single board computer open source project official forum BPI team (banana-pi.org)

1、get ready:M5 board, SD card,5V adapter, usb to ttl cable( or HDMI cable and monitor, mouse, keyboard).
MobaXterm (Download link: https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html?spm=wolai.workspace.0.0.6b9c394bQaPoSe)

2、 Note:The EMMC of the M5 needs to be empty,if you have images on EMMC it will boot from EMMC by default.

The image name I use is Armbian_23.5.1_Bananapim5_bookworm_current_6.1.30_xfce_desktop.img. Insert the SD card into M5 and insert USB to TTL Cable (or Monitor).Plug in 5V power to start M5 from the SD card.

3、input code


Select System


Select Install


Select Boot from eMMC


Select Yes


Select ext4


Select Power off


As shown in the figure below, it indicates that it has been shut down.


Unplug the power supply, remove the SD card, and reinsert power supply it to start from the EMMC.

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Could you share a link of this image… I have not been able to find an Armbian image that works with the M5.

(update) I found the image via the archives link but my issues is there is not 1 single Armbian image that have booted from an SD card. Can you confirm that you were able to burn that image to an SD card and actually boot from it? Or your only test was to boot it from the emmc and not the SD card?

Bananapi M5 and M2P – Armbian

Armbian image can be started from the SD card. However, you need to ensure that there is no image in your EMMC, otherwise it will not start the image of the SD card.

Nope it’s Emmc only. But thanks for your reply.

Well for my board. And yes emmc was cleared of.