I ordered a 5v/2a power cable…it was DOA but I found a replacement in my home (PSP slim cable is 5v/2a).
I bought a Verbatim 8GB SDHC Class 10 micro sd card and burned the Debian Jessie Mate image from 2016-05-16. The MD5 is: ea6660f5d3284c61e8950af6704bb76e
I had to use diskpart and dd for windows to write the image because win32diskimager would not load maybe because I was using an SD adapter??? The steps I took were:
select Disk 1
list partition
select partition 0
delete partition 0
select partition 1
delete partition 0
dd bs=1M if=c:\banana.img od=d:
verified write was successful
When I plug in my board the red LED comes on but it will not boot. The HDMI shows no display. Any ideas?
I’ve virtually followed all of the steps listed in the document.
I was able to get win32diskimager working and wrote 2016-07-12-raspbian-lite-bpi-m2p.img to it after formatting. Still get a red LED with no display via HDMI.
I was able to get my pi running earlier this week. I put in a non-brand sd card and it booted up instantly. All is working well now. Will post a review soon!
I’m completely new to the Pi topic. Nevertheless I got into it through reading Internet articles.
I received my 4 Banana Pi M2 + 1 day ago.
Now I am trying to get this thing running.
got it running. The LED won’t change to green or whatever during bootsequence. It just stays red but the Ubuntu Mate 16.04 from the banana Pi website booted up anyway.
I just was too focused on a green or changing LED on the Banana Pi instead of looking at the boot sequence i guess.
Sorry for the newbish question.
I’m having the same problem with my BPi M2.
I restored a BPi specific I Ubuntu distro to the SD card, and nothing.
No output on HDMI, steady red light .