Seriously, how do you build the kernel?

What distribution are you using? Every one I try gives me some type of error when compiling. Before I could get it to compile with this Docker image, but even that no longer works:

I have tried both 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04, each of which fails in different ways. I’m following the instructions in this PDF:


Look at github issues ive posted some patches there and to get it to boot change cross compiler from gnueabihf to gnueabi. I’m believe you got the __dma and lifebook_detect issue you can trace back and fix em :slight_smile:

Ohh, btw that guide is only partly right, you only need to extract bpi kernel to BPI-ROOT and copy Image file to from BPI-BOOT/bananapi/bpi-m3/linux folder to SD same location that worked for me I’ve been avalble to patch touchscreens and apply some hot fixes now I’m working on xInput well good luck :slight_smile:

Someone has literally spammed here and published a ton of spammy links (adult etc.). Moderators you are requested to handle it as soon as possible.

I have been trying to do so myself, but there is no way to delete the posts. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks. Cleaned now.