RaspiOS Bullseye Image - working or experimental?

I’ve found an apparently new image for RaspiOS Bullseye here: Google Drive, directly in Linux Folder . If I understand the notation, it’s fitting for my Banana Pi M2 Zero . So I’ve written it to an SD card and booted it up - that worked.

Long story short; apart from booting up and allowing login (pi/bananapi), not much seems to be working. Wifi (and SSH) should be enabled - I’ve put the SSH and wpa_supplicant.conf onto the boot disk, which worked with previous versions of Raspbian (from 2020).

At startup there’s (very) shortly a message saying to press any key to stop the autoselection of boot options, but I guess the OTG USB keyboard is not active yet. So I can’t choose. The target environment is graphical.target , so the GUI should start. Instead I get a login (at this time, the keyboard works fine, btw).

The google drive seems to be official, but I wonder if the image is maybe work in progress?

Sorry if this was discussed already - I haven’t found anything useful on it, but maybe my search skill sucks…

I had problems with some images too, and asked by mail. They said me that some of the images in the google Drive are builded by users and colud noy work.

The image you said is one of the ones they said me not to use. They recomended this image for a P2Zero, but I used in a M2Zero too. Raspbian Stretch

They should indicate wichs are the “official” images in the drive.

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Just grab Armbian https://www.armbian.com/download/ its not perfect, but its still classes better then any raspbian you can find.

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My idea is to do that, but now I’m against the clock to get the project working on a BPI.

After that, with knowledge of the boards, I’m going to switch to an Armbian and install the libraries and packages I need.

Then it is even more important that you don’t waste your time? :slight_smile:

@igorpec is there an image on armbian for the BananaPi M5? (new to this, presently running raspian but prefer something more predictable), they don’t list is by that model