best os for M2U. thanks a lot for this.
- how can i switch to 720p mode? i’ve tried by editing uEnv.txt but doesnt work.
thanks in advanced
best os for M2U. thanks a lot for this.
thanks in advanced
I’ll post the instructions a bit later, step by step.
Thanks all. I have this working with the 3.10.107 kernel using the posted kernel and instructions from Oleksandr_Kuzmenko.
Note that there are a couple of errors in the instructions - see by post above re:
Extract BOOTLOADER-bpi-m2u.tgz to /lib/modules/
This should this be 3.10.107-BPI-M2U-Kernel.tgz that is extracted?
My next project is to compile the kernel directly on my m2u myself and use this.
Then I need to work out how to remove sunxi-bt from the kernel as I don’t think it is needed and it is spamming my syslog!!!
First post edited: added instructions how2 upgrade the uboot, kernel