OpenWRT doesn't do firmware updates in BPi R2 Pro

I’m using BPi R2 Pro. I want to update openWRT. But I can’t do it.

root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade -T /tmp/openwrt.img
Firmware upgrade is not implemented for this platform.
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name

I want to update 21=>22. What should I do? Sorry for my poor English. Thank you.

Official openwrt imho does not support r2pro,so you can only use vendors version,use other image or make code changes to mainline openwrt yourself

I’m using Banana Pi Official OpenWRT Image. But it doesn’t support firmware upgrade. Must I modifi BPi R2 Pro OpenWRT Source code? Or should I use ?

Thank you. I used image.

BPI R2 PRO OpenWrt test image - Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro/BPI-W3/BPI-RK3588 - banana pi single board computer open source project official forum BPI team ( It worked. I installed it at emmc, I can do sysupgrade. Thank you very much.