I Have a question about initializing the one-wire communication specifically for ws2812 led strips. So far I have tried the Neopixels library, the rpi-ws2812 library but with no luck. Can anyone help me how to get it working on the Banana Pi M2 Zero? And which pins I can use? I have already enabled w1-gpio in the armbian config menu, and also checked in /boot/armbianEnv.txt, where I added overlays=w1-gpio. I am using 5.15.89-sunxi with:
PRETTY_NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)”
NAME=“Debian GNU/Linux”
VERSION=“10 (buster)”
Armbian and community around knows more about those chips then people that are putting chips on PCB and sell it to you. Low level interfaces, overlays, handling … its Armbian. And toolchain. But its probably hard to understand that? https://docs.armbian.com/#what-is-the-difference-between-armbian-and-debianubuntu What is not is - “Rpi library” you are mentioning. This is something adopted for Rpi (my guess / didn’t look into the code). If you want to communicate via one wire protocol peek into Armbian forums. I am running one temp sensor on Alliwinner H5 device (identical as this hardware, even its h3 and 32bit) … Armbian takes over after you attach power to the device. Once it boots up, its “just” a generic Debian like OS.