New hardware revision of R1?

The R1 in the current stage needs 2 minor changes for major improvement

  1. Power inlet - change to barrel jack 4,0 x 1,7mm
  • a small change on the PCB layout and BoM (bill of material)
  1. add a resistor - to disable frame forwarding by the switch in the unconfigured/booted state !
  • a small change in the BoM - R1308 with a 2k2 ohm resistor

et voila you have nice working Switch with SATA.

and 1 bigger improvement for WLAN.

  1. the current WLAN module RTL8192 is not worth the silicon. Replace it with: MT5572 wifi-modul
  • a small change in the BoM

    I don’t know about re-certification - so it could become bigger.

If at least two of the three changes would be done by @noralee & @lionwang they would have two different Routers to sell - and one with the well supported Allwinner A20.

Well, compare the supported functions of R2 with this table for the A20:

Linux mainlining effort -

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thank you , good advice, we will think about it .

Hi @noralee,

Hi @lionwang,

Any chance that you think about such a hardware revision ?

Br, Tido

Hi @noralee,
Hi @lionwang,

Have you seen all the changes coming along from Bootlin ?
A hardware revision of R1 could be interesting for many - have ever read my ideas above ?

Br, Tido

yes ,we think about it , will change ,and do sample to test. so , we need to do CE,FCC,again.:slight_smile:

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This would improve the HW at no cost, do you consider that for the next production batch ?

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Hi @lionwang Hi @Nora

I see on your tour pictures that you still promote the BPi-R1, is there a HW update coming soon? Are you working on it ?

Hi @lionwang Hi @Nora

I haven’t heard from you a single word :frowning: In 2019, Kernel 4.20 with even more support for A20 is released… did you do one or two quick wins from my list at the top ?

Br, Tido

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Hi @lionwang Hi @Nora

With this news New kernel patch brings 120MB/s SATA Write-Speed with Banana Pi's, it is even more worth time spending at my first post in this thread. None of your router SBCs have such a good mainline support as the A20

Did you already make some changes the R1 BillofMaterial?

Br, Tido

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