[M1+] GPIO Schema, how to turn board to read it against schema


I am looking for BPi M1+ GPIO schema. Well I can find it on gitbooks or on banana-pi.org pages, BUT I can’t find from where the pins start (I might be blind) I mean I see that 1st 2 pins next to each other is: 3.3V and 5V, but how should I plug the cables to 1st 2 pins from the network/usb conectors OR from the end of the board?

Thanks, Regards, Petr Sourek

Ok, I will reply myself. The 3.3V and the 5V pins starts from the „end“ of the board NOT from USB/Ethernet part.

Its the same as RPi. You can use this pic: Raspio ports Mentioned in this link: Getting started with GPIO

The only thing I am trying to search now is the GPIO pin Output statistics for lighting up the LEDs, but I guess that I find that on RPi forums too.