Looking for Tips on Increasing Banana Pi M5 Performance with a Custom Linux Distribution

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m contacting the community to ask for advice on how to get the most out of my Banana Pi M5. Although the custom Linux system I’m using on the board is working well, I would like to optimise it for increased responsiveness and efficiency.

Here’s a quick rundown of my configuration:

  • Model: Banana Pi M5 OS: Personalised Linux operating system (derived from [particular distribution, if relevant])
  • Use Case: [Express briefly what your use case entails, such as media centring or home automation.]

I’ve come across a couple instances where I think performance may be enhanced:

Kernel Optimisation: Is there a certain kernel configuration or set of settings that could improve system performance? Any suggested modifications for a customised kernel? :thinking:

Resource Management: On the Banana Pi M5, what are the best ways to manage RAM, CPU, and storage? Do you have any favourite utilities or tools? :thinking:

Driver Assistance: Along with the board, I’m using several customised peripherals.

  • Are there recognised problems with drivers that could affect performance, and if so, what can I do about them? :thinking:
  • Has anyone attempted to overclock the Banana Pi M5? If so, what configurations have proven effective and what safety measures ought I to follow? :thinking:

General Advice: We would highly welcome any additional pointers or strategies for optimising the performance of a Banana Pi M5 running a customised Linux distribution.

I would be interested in speaking with anyone who has worked with comparable configurations or who can offer advice on how to maximise this board’s generative ai performance.

Thank you :pray: in advance.

This is the general aim of Armbian project. People who have deep and long-term understanding of this hardware and (embedded) Linux operating system are improving OS and integrated HW optimisations into Armbian OS / build framework. I am sure you can get further, but first you need to get to the level of those people before going further. And I don’t believe you can get much further. They usually try and have knowledge to pull out maxed from the SoC … if you finance research, they can try. For fun, its your fun. There is just a few of people that can do / have time to do that. And not specific to this forum. All boards with this SoC share all low level problems, thus optimisations. And in case of Armbian, user space optimisations are the same on all SoC / hardware. In case you are interested to finance research to get further, try here.

I am a fairly new user of the M5. I have tried and am still trying various os on this SBC to try and make the best use of its various options. This includes Armbian, Raspbian and Linux Mate.

I went for the M5 because I wanted an SBC which had on board EMMC. this is because I find SDcard slow and very temperamental and therefore inconsistent. My intent is to drive hardware projects via this board and therefore enabling the various option of the 40 GPIO pins is paramount.

So far I found Raspbian OS fairly lame. Armbian is the most up to date software but I still do not know if the hardware options available through armbian-config if they will work and in fact, just what they do since i could find little or no information.

For me the best os so far is Ubuntu Mate 20.4 . It is an old os but I have managed to invoke at least some of the alternate functions via the .dtbo files. Unfortunate when I tried to upgrade to Mate 24.4 I had issues with Firefox and Snap Store and also am unable to install the driver for my usb WiFi driver for the RTL8188FU chip. The method I used in version 20.4 did not work in version 24.4.

While I understand @Igor’s request for financing this makes a lot of sense for people using these boards for business but little sense for people for whom these boards as just a hobby.