LibreElec 10 (Kodi Matrix) at BPI-M2 Zero with Youtube, HBO Max and (probably) Netflix

Hey guys, LibreElec development team (represented by added support to build LibreElec10 at Allwinner H2+ boards, notably banana pi m2 zero.

They didn’t host an official image at their site, because of Banana Pi M2Z low RAM, but by following their build steps I was able to build an image that is capable to play youtube videos as well HBO max and (probably) Netflix movies and series through armv7 widevine cdm.

As expected, I wasn’t able to play videos in high quality, for the lack of memory, but I was able to play them flawlessly in standard definitions (480p, 360p)

The libreelec run flawlessly at BPI-M2 Zero in general and WiFi and HDMI audio worked perfectly either. I tried Bluetooth, but I wasn’t able to get it working, but, maybe it will work with the correct tweaks.

LibreElec also come with some emulators (LibRetro) but I didn’t test them.

Here’s the link for the image: and if you want, I can share the docker container that I set up to build this image.

Here’s a video showing BPI-M2Z booting and loading videos from youtube and HBO Max, sorry for poor quality:

And that’s it, please let me know if anything goes wrong during your tests and let’s learn together, since this is the first time that I try to do something like this.

Sorry for my poor English and thank you very much folks!


Thanks for sharing your compile! Does LibreElec come with zram support by default? It would most likely help (zram-swap) with playing higher resolution content. The H2+/H3 chip should play much higher than 480p videos in MP4 and VP8 codecs.