How to detect the hardware model BPI?

Hello forum community, I’m currently managing a variety of single-board computers, including Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi.

I need a method to identify the specific model of each device through a script. For Raspberry Pi devices with chips, I’ve been successfully using cat /proc/device-tree/model or cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model. However, this approach doesn’t seem to work with Banana Pi devices, as the output is empty. I tried using cat /proc/cmdline and looking for the board= entry, but it’s not accurate. For example, for a BPI-P2-Zero, it incorrectly shows bpi-m2z. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reliably determine the model of these devices?


# Function to check for Raspberry Pi
checkRaspberryPi() {
    local -A revisions=(
        ["0002"]="Model B Revision 1.0"
        ["0003"]="Model B Revision 1.0 + ECN0001"
        ["0004"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)"
        ["0005"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)"
        ["0006"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (256 MB)"
        ["0007"]="Model A"
        ["0008"]="Model A"
        ["0009"]="Model A"
        ["000d"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)"
        ["000e"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)"
        ["000f"]="Model B Revision 2.0 (512 MB)"
        ["0010"]="Model B+"
        ["0013"]="Model B+"
        ["0011"]="Compute Module"
        ["0012"]="Model A+"
        ["a01041"]="Pi 2 Model B"
        ["a21041"]="Pi 2 Model B"
        ["900092"]="PiZero 1.2"
        ["900093"]="PiZero 1.3"
        ["9000c1"]="PiZero W"
        ["a02082"]="Pi 3 Model B"
        ["a22082"]="Pi 3 Model B"
        ["a32082"]="Pi 3 Model B"
        ["a52082"]="Pi 3 Model B"
        ["a020d3"]="Pi 3 Model B+"
        ["a220a0"]="Compute Module 3"
        ["a020a0"]="Compute Module 3"
        ["a02100"]="Compute Module 3+"
        ["a03111"]="Model 4B Revision 1.1 (1 GB)"
        ["b03111"]="Model 4B Revision 1.1 (2 GB)"
        ["c03111"]="Model 4B Revision 1.1 (4 GB)"

    local rev=$(grep -oP 'Revision\s*:\s*\K[^\s]+' /proc/cpuinfo)
    if [[ -v revisions[$rev] ]]; then
        echo "Raspberry Pi ${revisions[$rev]}"
        return 0
        if [[ -f /proc/device-tree/model ]]; then
            local model=$(< /proc/device-tree/model)
            echo "$model"
            return 0
            echo "Unknown Device"
            return 1

# Function to check for Banana Pi
checkBananaPi() {
    local board=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep -o 'board=[^ ]*' | cut -d'=' -f2)
    if [[ -n "$board" ]]; then
        echo "Banana Pi, Model: $board"
        return 0
        return 1

# First, check if it's a Raspberry Pi
if ! checkRaspberryPi; then
    # If it's not a Raspberry Pi, check if it's a Banana Pi