How can I use custom resolution LCD?


I try use this custom resolution round LCD via DSI(MIPI). (

I made MIPI converter board and configure [disp_init] and [lcd0_para] of sys_confg.fex, but I didn’t succeed. Is there anyone who knows about that?

Thank you.


This is a current setting about [disp_init] and [lcd0_para].

[disp_init] disp_init_enable = 1 disp_mode = 0

screen0_output_type = 1 screen0_output_mode = 4

screen1_output_type = 1 screen1_output_mode = 4

fb0_format = 9 fb0_pixel_sequence = 0 fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 0 fb0_width = 0 fb0_height = 0

fb1_format = 9 fb1_pixel_sequence = 0 fb1_scaler_mode_enable = 0 fb1_width = 0 fb1_height = 0

lcd0_backlight = 180 lcd1_backlight = 180

lcd0_bright = 180 lcd0_contrast = 50 lcd0_saturation = 57 lcd0_hue = 50

lcd1_bright = 180 lcd1_contrast = 50 lcd1_saturation = 57 lcd1_hue = 50

[lcd0_para] lcd_used = 1

lcd_driver_name = “LHR050H41_MIPI_RGB” lcd_if = 4 lcd_dsi_if = 0 lcd_dsi_lane = 1 lcd_dsi_format = 0 lcd_dsi_te = 0

lcd_x = 320 lcd_y = 320 lcd_width = 60 lcd_height = 60

lcd_hspw = 10 lcd_hbp = 22 lcd_ht = 406 lcd_vspw = 4 lcd_vbp = 6 lcd_vt = 346 lcd_dclk_freq = 9

lcd_pwm_used = 0 lcd_pwm_ch = 0 lcd_pwm_freq = 10000 lcd_pwm_pol = 1 lcd_pwm_max_limit = 150 lcd_bl_en = port:PL4<1><0><1>

; LCD-RST lcd_gpio_0 = port:PL5<1><0><1>

; LCD-PWR-EN lcd_gpio_1 = port:PB7<1><0><1>

lcd_power = “” lcd_power1 = “”

lcd_frm = 0 lcd_gamma_en = 0 lcd_bright_curve_en = 0 lcd_cmap_en = 0 deu_mode = 0 lcdgamma4iep = 22 smart_color = 90

You need to do porting round LCD via DSI(MIPI). ( ) on M2M. So far M2M series only support bpi 7" lcd panel.