Fedora ARM 22 - Router from scratch - Getting Wireless working

We want to build a router based on Fedora ARM 22 from scratch, rather then work off pre-assembled images that are available, to be able to support and enhance the final solution in house going forward .

We have started with the BPI-R1 board, TP-Link TL-ANT2408CL 8dBi antennas and Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-22-3-sda.raw.xz. We rigged the exlinux.conf file and were able to get the default serial console to switch to tty0 so that we can have a HDMI monitor and regular keyboard. woohoo!!! but short lived. :frowning:

Since eth0 is not a true eth0 and needs the swconfig off OpenWRT we considered getting connected to the internet via wlan0 to be able to get the code needed for swconfig etc. Well, we hit a brick wall. We cannot get wlan0 to connect. nmcli d wifi list show no access points available while there are several up in the lab.

What could we be doing wrong? Is wlan0 supposed to work out of the box on ARM 22 minimal or is it like eth0 that it needs a different app like swconfig or something additional on the OS?

Commands we have used to try to get wlan0 off the ground are below

# nmcli radio wifi enabled # nmcli radio on # nmcli device wifi list # nmcli device wifi connect ssid password password Error: No Wi-Fi device found


We have been informed that nmcli may be faulty on this board and to try iw. Since iw is not available on Fedora ARM fc22 minimal we will run a rpm on this and see if it will work.

Will get back.


no luck with iw. iw gets wifi on AP but we do not get IP from AP. Even manual IP address on device will not work. Next we are trying to install Realtek drivers for wifi to see.

Why don’t you just clone Igor’s repo https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/ as a base for your inhouse deployment? Everything’s working out of the box and you can customize the build process easily.

Running his scripts on a x86 Ubuntu box creates a complete OS image ready to run: http://www.igorpecovnik.com/2014/09/07/banana-pi-debian-sd-image/

I appreciate your suggestion but we prefer to stay with Fedora since our team has a Centos background.

We have decided to take a backdoor into the OS using a USB Ethernet dongle which worked on the single USB port on the board. We have SSHed into the board

At least you can have a look what’s also needed to get the BCM switch IC up and running (b53 drivers for example) by crawling through https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/tree/next/patch :wink: