Enlarge partition sdcard ? and sata install?

Hi guys , i have a banana più m2 ultra , i have downloaded , a iso of Ubuntu Mint i had installed in sd card 128gb but the partions is very small , i tryed to shrink with a software ,but i can only move , but not resize . How Is possibile use all 128 GB memory SD card. ? 2 question , Is possible install s.o. in sata hdd ? Exist a tutorial for do that ? I saw only with armbian , i tested but not work for me :frowning: thankz. At all

Get this image and everything/most of the things will work.


What didn’t work with Armbian?

i test now your link Armbian Bullseye , remaning in running /script/local-premount … scannin for Btrf filesystems ( maybe the Buster distro ) but with ubuntu is not possible ?

You choose the worst option (unsupported testing system) and now you cry here?

Yes, go for Buster / Bionic. If that one doesn’t work (normal boot without SATA first), then perhaps someone will look. Perhaps.

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ups sorry ok now work thankz so much

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