Configure BPI BPI-M3 + Kodi


I want to install kodi on my new BPI M3. I’ve tried to do this but that doesn’t work.

Can you help me to do this ?

What kind of image ? (Ubuntu Mate, Raspbian, …) What kind of commands to setup Kodi ? Are there some tutos to follow ? Can you give me url links ?


Seems Ure new here? Right :slight_smile: Unfortunately to You and all users here I got bad news… You’ve been ripped off by the creator of bpi m3 - mr Sinovoip… Your SBC will only work ok with android image and only on android kodi will work. On all other (linux) releases it will not work. Moreover all these releases are just piece of shit… You can say: Thank You mr Sinovoip for not taking care about your customers. You better return your sbc to seller and buy orange pi :wink:

Does it work with Orange Pi and linux mainline kernel please ?

Dont buy it kodi doesnt work.

Not really ready for doing that.

A lot of time and effort has gone into coding for a different GPU the MALI most libraries and PI community is focused around that GPU. This boards processor A83T is successfully used in numerous low cost tablet devices in the asian market. The PI community has had a bad experience with the expectation of vendor involved development in a hobbiest market space. The vendors have several versions of the android OS runnings happily on the tablets. This board not so much. If your goal was a set top box or media center than buying a set top box would have been a better choice.

The core issues are the code necessary to implement the full function of the processor is probably not going to be available to the sunxi linux group any time soon. If you understand the hardware and can implement code than this board is a good development chassis to build from.

You will need to down load about 220GB of source code and sift through it to garner the parts needed. If you do so remember to cite the authors as you use the code.

The linux SUNXI group has worked very hard on other chip sets and other products their source code has differences from the debian proper code base.

More documentation is available in chinese and the BPI china forum has a lot of fixes for different things.