Cannot boot Linux in eMMC

First off, Android was VERY easy to flash to the eMMC and booted no problem. Thanks to the SOCSystemTool!

But I am having trouble getting Linux to boot from eMMC after flashing via the video’s setup instructions. I have tried to dd from mmcblk1 to mmcblk0 and also dd from img file in to mmcblk0. Both in Serial console (with the same MobaXTerm program) and directly in the OS terminal. Verified the filesystem and contents were identical. Then tried two other versions of Armbian (bookworm and jammy, cinnamon and xfce), the latest Ubuntu from the yolov6 post and no luck. Will only boot from SD with the SPI button.

I also tried copying 20240425-spi_uboot_en.bin to the emmc boot partition. Still no luck.

But I realize in the video, after the device is flashed. The instructor holds the SPI button when boot to verify it flashed to eMMC. Was this a mistake? When I press SPI boot without a SD card, the serial console gives an error about missing card. Which further steps must be done to ensure boot from emmc?

Thank you.

I managed to make a Linux image that boots from eMMC. I’ll keep this for internal use. Thanks for not helping or providing one.

Could you explain how you managed to resolve this? I just saw your message and I’m in the same situation.

Banana Pi doesn’t provide a download or documentation for this board. Also, the “write image to eMMC” video on Youtube and this forum is fake. You have to use the Yocto developer guide provided by Synaptics, the SoC maker to build a custom image.

1.4 is the current version of the Astra SDK and we’re using the sl1680 variant.

We’re on our own unfortunately. It took me about a week using The Astra documentation and these video tutorials. Good luck.

@iGNUiCould thank you very much for the information. I will try to prepare the eMMC of my Banana PI M6 and I will post my results here. Thank you very much for help.