Bpi zero component designators underneath USB OTG connector

Hello, can someone please either provide an assembly drawing for the bpi m2 zero which indicates the location and name of all components on the board? I’m attempting to “tap” off of some signals that are not brought to connectors but don’t have a way to identify the components on the board.

If it is not possible to supply the assembly drawing or gerber files for the bpi zero, would it be possible to only provide the component names/locations for the 7 two-pin passive components that are directly underneath the OTG connector?

Hi, Andrew

Please check the attached pdf files

BPi-M2-ZERO-V1_0_assembly_bot_20170811-14.pdf (193.6 KB)

BPi-M2-ZERO-V1_0_assembly_top_20170811-14.pdf (51.5 KB)