Bpi r4 failed to read EEPROM: -ENXIO from sfp

[   15.429123] sfp sfp1: Host maximum power 3.0W
[   15.434077] sfp sfp2: Host maximum power 3.0W
[  139.270078] sfp sfp1: module removed
[  206.072422] sfp sfp1: please wait, module slow to respond
[  261.512425] sfp sfp1: failed to read EEPROM: -ENXIO

I use release version of openwrt 24.10.0 Anybody know what could be the problem?

Is it a gpon/xpon module? It looks your module needs a bootup delay quirk like it is done for others

This may be different, as kernel needs the vendor and product string from the eeprom to determine which module it is and which quirk/fixup to apply.

But also it maybe the eeprom at 0x50 still ok and the eeprom at 0x51 which gives the error. Try and see if you can get the vendor/product info with ethtool…

ethtool --dump-module-eeprom eth1/eth2

It helps me [BPI-R4] nvme+i2c