[BPi-R3-Mini] Review and mainline ImmortalWrt firmware support

@1715173329 Should we pick your changes into official openwrt.org or are you going to take care of that yourself?

Edit: Just seeing you have answered that already here [BPi-R3-Mini] Review and mainline ImmortalWrt firmware support - #5 by 1715173329

@ericwoud Is taking care of the PHY driver, but Airoha/MediaTek will have to provide the firmware files under a redistributable license (and submit them to linux-firmware).

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Just a tip in case you ignored it ;)

Looks like the manufactory wrote a wrong value to the PHY register and resulted both rx polarity were reversed. I added a simple hack using OF to work around the issue, hope there’s a better way to do this.

I am trying to fix my nand, since uploading immortalwrt, when I try to boot from the nand, it keeps stating that it can’t find the lan devices

When I try to do this command

insmod mtd-rw-a53-5.4.ko i_want_a_brick=y

I get this error

insmod mtd-rw-a53-5.4.ko i_want_a_brick=y [ 282.941377] mtd_rw: Unknown symbol printk (err -2) failed to insert mtd-rw-a53-5.4.ko

This one is for kernel 5.4. You can get kmod-mtd-rw directly using opkg command.

Thanks, I want to share this incase someone else wonders how

root@edo:~# opkg install kmod-mtd-rw Installing kmod-mtd-rw (5.15.138+git-20160214-2) to root… Downloading https://downloads.immortalwrt.org/snapshots/targets/mediatek/filogic/kmods/5.15.138-1-29bca93017240d993199f4aae39827f0/kmod-mtd-rw_5.15.138%2Bgit-20160214-2_aarch64_cortex-a53.ipk Configuring kmod-mtd-rw.

root@edo:~# insmod mtd-rw i_want_a_brick=y

root@edo:~# lsmod | grep mtd

mtd_rw 16384 0

dd if=immortalwrt-mediatek-filogic-bananapi_bpi-r3-mini-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb of=/dev/mmcblk0p5 bs=512 conv=fsync

I tried and I confirm that using dd works fine.

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Thanks for awesome work. I installed on eMMC and working great so far.

But overlay is only around 280MB and remaining 6GB is just don’t have any partition. So I tried extroot on OpenWrt Documentation but modifying /etc/config/fstab didn’t do anything.

Maybe I installed in wrong way or using dumb . Can you check the this overlay problem?

Edit: Sorry. Nevermind. I managed to fix myself both on extroot and small overlay problems by compile images myself.

@1715173329 what’s MD32 FW version in your tree?

071705 from mtk-openwrt-feeds

@1715173329 thanks for the great image. so far so good except two issues.

1- Follow your instructions to install on nand leads to system halt. Quick fix is to boot from EMMC, then from uboot CLI erase the nand and write bl2 and bl31 through tftpboot.

2- Got very weak signal using your image , trying multiple images (snapshot,23.05.1) leads to the same result. I had to revert back to the stock version to compare, the signal is very good. I think that issue might be related to the FW version. There is a new FW version (20230421120313a) which is closed to the source version. But I have no idea how to get it. Any Advice?

If you’re able to build the image from source, try the latest commit. I have updated the eeprom data.

I will try to do it, but I need to know if the testing kernel (6.1) is supported while building the image?

:smiley:Now, we can say that we have a good wifi coverage and performance. U did a pretty good job. well done. Just have two questions: 1- Kernel v6.1 is supported? 2- does your source code has been updated to support WED in both directions?

This is to confirm that WED works pretty good in both directions (TX,RX)

can anybody explain how to “sysupgrade” firmware? recovery firmware is loaded in ram of my device, how can i load sysupgrade firmware without luci?

@1715173329 First off thank you for the port! I was browsing the github repo looking if the drivers for the RM500U-CN are available but I couldn’t find any references during my quick search. Could you please tell me wether the 5G Modules for the R3-Mini are supported in the latest image of immortalWRT?

Hello and thanks for the support. Does anyone know if it’s possible to get pwm fan working on this distro?

works fine, just ensure kmod-hwmon-pwmfan is installed, then you have the option to run the following command or write scripts to modify fan speed based on CPU and WIFI ship temp.

echo 90 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/pwm1 echo 120 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/pwm1

I have RM520N-GL and performs very well. I am using QMI protocol.

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upload the image to /tmp folder using scp (scp firmware_image [email protected]:/tmp) then start the upgrade by run this command sysupgrade -n /tmp/firmware_image