Apparently, I can no longer post topics under the BPI-R2 (MT7623N) Category?
Anyway, I’m compiling a newer kernel for my BPI-R2 (MT7623N) using the BPI-Router-Linux-5.15 main source from frank w, with my Slackware 15.0 ARMv7 BPI-R2, system and I have some questions.
After downloading and unpacking the kernel source, I used the mt7623n_evb_fwu_defconfig
to configure the kernel - issuing:
$ make mt7623n_evb_fwu_defconfig
The make deconfig went just fine, and I remembered from my previous compiles that I needed to update the …
So I issued the following sed command.
sed -i "s:CONFIG_MTK_PLATFORM=\"\":CONFIG_MTK_PLATFORM=\"mt7623\":g" .config
Anyway, after I updated the CONFIG_MTK_PLATFORM
string, I started to compile it …
$ make -j5 all
After compiling for a few minutes, I got the following? …
* Restart config...
* Mediatek Peripherals
MTK platform name (MTK_PLATFORM) [] (NEW) mt7623
MediaTek BTIF Driver (MTK_BTIF) [Y/?] y
So I was wondering if anyone else has encountered a “Restart config” while compiling their kernel?
Oh, and I am now also curious as to why I’m not allowed to start topics under the Banana Pi R2 category? I was able to do so in the past.