I have my BPI-R1 setup with bananian. It works well for a day and then stops (freezes). I have purchased this power supply: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5NKVVU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Output is 5V/2A. But the freezing continues. I have read mentioned to lower RAM speed init in u-boot and not use the wifi.
So my questions are what are:
Does this power supply look like what I need? Is there something better?
What are the recommended power settings and how do I change them?
I use a 30cm long cable from my PowerBank(Accu) my Harddisk spin up, works like a charm.
Try to get a cable between 30-50cm and AWG as said above and please report back if it runs stable.
Btw, you do know that bananian stopped development. See the news on his website.
Well, I am using armbian, but the R1 is depricated there as well.
Currently we are trying to get mainline Kernel working with a differnent driver for the Switch, but Multimedia wise it might lack of some functions.
Depricated, we are a few testers but no one who can develop. If someone steps up and does together with the testers some fixes before new releases (twice a year) - Igor will take it back to supported.
Did you have some sucess with the shorter cable already?
I downloaded the the Armbian_5.31_Lamobo-r1_Debian_jessie_next_4.9.7.7z and installed. It worked. I can login and update. Can you direct me to some good instructions on how to configure everything? switch, wifi, etc.
Looks like the issue with booting bananian was power. You were right. My usb keyboard was taking too much power. I unplugged it and logged into via ssh from the beginning.