BPI-Nano arduino Nano board and BPI-UNO arduino UNO board

BPI-UNO arduino and Nano arduino boards

BPI-Nano arduino Nano board :

Note : All the components on the board are the same as the arduino official ones. add PH2.0 connector bettery interface and add Power Switch key.

more please see wiki page, will keep update:


BPI-UNO arduino UNO board:

Note : All the components on the board are the same as the arduino official ones. change to mocroUSB interface and add Power Switch key.

more please see wiki page, will keep update:


Welcome to mass order, we can help customers produce various types of development boards and kits, you just need to give us the design documents, we help you complete the rest.

easy to buy sample:

BPI aliexpress shop:

Nano boards :https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000161897931.html

UNo boards:https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000162002624.html

BPI taobao shop:

BPI-UNO boards: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?ft=t&id=602354681944

BPI-Nano boards:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?ft=t&id=602561826873

BPI-Nano and BPI-UNO arduino production testing, production testing tools

Banana pi BPI-Nano robot design, support all arduino Nano boards

Banana Pi BPI-Nano arduino board and Nano Robort board

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Banana Pi BPI-NANO car kit test. BPI-NANO arduino NANO board with BPI-Nano robot board