This release is for banana pi M4 & W2 board, and it is based on Raspbian 9.8 & AArch64 Linux Mate & AArch Linux Lite Operation system with kernel 4.9.119.
I flashed raspbian 9.8. boot from sd card. HDMI monitor is black keyboard not recognized. I cant try ctrl + alt + F1. I have edited config.txt with no resilts. My board not recognized monitor and keyboard. only mouse is lightning
I’m trying to make my bpi M4 working, but i have the black screen problem.
My SD card is 32g class 10,
My BPI is v1.0,
I tried every linux version (arch, arch lite, raspian, ubuntu…)
My steps :
I install the OS on the SD card from my laptop (debian 10) using the recommended bpi-tools
Then I disconnect it , and plug in to the BPI board, SW switch to 0 (SD boot), a usb keyboard, and a mouse
then I plug my power supply to the board (tried from my laptop usb port and my phone power-supply witch output 5V 3amp)
the results :
the two leds light on (activity and power), then the green one (act) start blinking like heartbeat, and the screen is detected and set black.
after that, nothing else happen.
the board seems to react to keystrokes : Ctrl+Alt+Suppr seems to make the board to reboot,
the recommended Alt-F1 then Alt-F7 make the green led off, but not at first attempt.