They included the OpenGLES drivers they got from Imagination and the only bundled application that can benefit from is glmark2-es2 (not so surprisingly). Don’t forget to adjust HDMI resolution to the lowest possible value otherwise benchmark scores don’t look that good any more. And feel free to post your experiences when you try out ‘chromium-browser --use-gl=egl’ for example (every result is valid, either the error messages you get or missing acceleration)
Normally the vendor would provide an image that can be flashed using PhoenixSuit over USB to the eMMC (or with Phoenix Card to SD card). But guess what: You bought a product that receives zero support so you have to flash the image first to SD card and then booting from the card you flash the image a second time to eMMC.
And please don’t ask me how I created the URL above. Like in every other forum on this planet there’s a search functionality provided. Why not using it?
I can confirm a glmark2 of ~250 (720 & 1080P) as expected from berryboot-image.
glxgears runs with ~30 fps as seen before.
Could not easily change resolution to 1080P, neither with uEnv.txt nor there is a working image for 1080P for bpi-bootsel.
Instead same procedure as it is every year: build bsp from github and patch…
It does work but you have to fix uEnv.txt first. Close to unbelievable but they simply refuse to fix their mistakes. They spend time on trying to improve things, they provide packages, they do NOT test anything, write wrong documentation. Time wasted on the vendor’s side just to again waste time on the customer’s side since it’s not working as expected.