BPI-M3 - Android and cifs or nfs support?

Hello, support Android img cifs or nfs? I can’t found cifs.ko or records in “/proc/fs”

On old Banana PI works this :

mount -o unc=\\\\IP_ADRRESS\\SHARE,username=user,password=123456 -t cifs none /sdcard/cifs/

on M3 is not working :

mount: No such device

same problem with nfs.

Mount via ES Explorer etc. works, but this is not good solution (some programs have with this mount solution problems)


Nobody speaks? :-/


And who likes Android? :sunglasses: I recommend Debian :sunglasses:

I need some apps which are only for android, not for Linux, for example client apps for cam systems. So, Android is not a my voluntary choice.


I have first version of Banana PI (cifs not a problem, is bundled), so I was expecting same functions as before, especially as regards only two options in kernel compile parameters that are not a problem.
