Hello all
I’ve just got a problem with a M2 Zero that was working for several weeks. I had it configured with wireless and wired network with no problems. It contains basically octoprint software to control my 3D printer. Today I did some update and upgrade and I’ve lost wireless device. I can only connect using the wired eth and when I try to consult wireless status I get this error:
root@bananapim2zero:/etc/modprobe.d# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
enx00e04c3609cc no wireless extensions.
If I search for wlan* devices I cant find any on /dev
root@bananapim2zero:/etc/modprobe.d# ls /dev
autofs dri hwrng loop0 media0 pts snd tty12 tty21 tty30 tty4 tty49 tty58 ttyGS0 uinput vcs6 vcsu2 zram1
block ecryptfs i2c-0 loop1 mem ram0 spidev0.0 tty13 tty22 tty31 tty40 tty5 tty59 ttyS0 uleds vcsa vcsu3 zram2
btrfs-control fb0 i2c-1 loop2 mmcblk0 ram1 stderr tty14 tty23 tty32 tty41 tty50 tty6 ttyS2 urandom vcsa1 vcsu4
bus fd i2c-2 loop3 mmcblk0p1 ram2 stdin tty15 tty24 tty33 tty42 tty51 tty60 ttyS3 v4l vcsa2 vcsu5
cec0 full i2c-3 loop4 mqueue ram3 stdout tty16 tty25 tty34 tty43 tty52 tty61 ttyS4 vcs vcsa3 vcsu6
char fuse initctl loop5 net random tty tty17 tty26 tty35 tty44 tty53 tty62 ttyS5 vcs1 vcsa4 video0
console gpiochip0 input loop6 null rfkill tty0 tty18 tty27 tty36 tty45 tty54 tty63 ttyS6 vcs2 vcsa5 watchdog
cpu_dma_latency gpiochip1 kmsg loop7 port rtc tty1 tty19 tty28 tty37 tty46 tty55 tty7 ttyS7 vcs3 vcsa6 watchdog0
cuse hidraw0 lirc0 loop-control ppp rtc0 tty10 tty2 tty29 tty38 tty47 tty56 tty8 ubi_ctrl vcs4 vcsu zero
disk hidraw1 log mapper ptmx shm tty11 tty20 tty3 tty39 tty48 tty57 tty9 uhid vcs5 vcsu1 zram0
some ideas?