My BPI is powered by “ARMBIAN 5.59.180823 testing Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 4.18.13-sunxi”
I had the following line in /etc/rc.local file for blinking the green led on board :
I’m trying Armbian_5.59.180823_Bananapim2ultra_Debian_stretch_dev_4.18.4.7z or Armbian_5.59.180823_Bananapim2ultra_Debian_stretch_dev_4.18.4.7z on Banana Pi M2 Berry and fail miserably. What I did:
download the 7z files, unpacked (Win10)
verified the checksum of the unpacked .img files
wrote the image file to a single-partition 16GB SD-card using Win32 Disk Imager and Etcher
=> in contrast to other tried distributions the SD-card remains single-partitioned (the other Linux distributions created 2 partitions, one DOS partition and another one unreadable on Windows)
stick the SD-card into the BPiM2Berry
=> the red LED is on, but that’s it - no green LED, no HDMI output, no network access
I tried again (with dis-/reconnecting the monitor) and eventually noticed that it reacted to the Banana Pi’s power button. The screen did not turn into standby mode and by luck I’ve noticed a flashing _ at the left top corner. After waiting a while it showed the usual login.
hello Igor. I have Banana PI M2U and Im
using Armbian Bionic (desktop mainline kernel 4.19.y). My sound doesn’t work and I can’t configure it. Do you have any leads for me please ?
hi i build an img from the trunk
but i cant enable spidev i use the armbian-config to get access but under /dev/ didnt appear spidev0.0 after reboot. what can i do?
Hallo, a new user here. Apparently the image Armbian_5.69_Bananapim2ultra_Debian_stretch_next_4.19.13.img
does not boot (unlike Armbian_5.66_Bananapim2ultra_Debian_stretch_dev_4.18.18.img).
It boots except that the HDMI video driver not working. So no HDMI output.
I just downloaded it for my bpi m2u and burned to a micro sd card. It worked, but hdmi not working. I am using serial port and seeing the serial console.
But, like others, my wireless still not working both wi-fi and bluetooth. Help!
Those wifi patches are on dev branch. Try building it using Armbian build system.
I have built an image with debian stretch headless, you can try that. I haven’t tested it because I’m not at home.
Don’t know, but BT+wifi are in the same module, so it should work. Check your BT configuration and if it doesn’t help, try asking on armbian P2P forum.
@jero: I saw another post. They made Broadcom bluetooth and mentioned AMPAK. I downloaded kernel source and found that in Broadcom driver those modules were not selected and comipled. Wondering the BT driver was not made in image.