BPI-M2 Requet to enable the bluetooth usb dongle support

Hi, We have a project need to use the BLE usb dongle with banana pi android. However, in the android from offical release image the bluetooth setting is disable. We need your help to know how to enable ble feature in android. Looking forwad any suggestion. PS: our ble dongle’s using CSR BLE solution Best regards, tony

sorry , we not design it success on android with USB wifi . it still is a big issue. we have asked allinner RD ,but they also not do this work ,sorry.

Hi, Thanks for your reply. Will they continous work on this issue or just give up. We are looking forward to hear from you. Best regards, tony

we try to do it , if you want use BT, we BPI-M3 have it onboard.

or you can use GPIO to du this work,not use USB. as we know, allwinner say it is a hardwork.

Ok, wow looking forward to your BPI-M3, do you have any time table of this release ? I think GPIO is a good solution and we are currently working on this direction, too. But I still prefer the USB dongle, because by using USB dongle we don’t have to do our own board and all the component is certified by the NCC. So, looking forward to M3 version, and if there is any time table to this release I will very appreciate and more than happy to know. Best regards, tony

it need some time ,for now ,we only finish debug all hardware function. all is working fine .but we need finish software . and support images.

you can use BPI-M1+ or BPI-M2, it is wifi onboard. are you must need BT??

ok i have the new banana pi m3 running a 65gb sds card and ubuntu mate , i have turn on blue tooth but it wil not find my keyboard . how do I fix this , do I update ubuntu ?? also wifi does that work with out a dongle.

can you print some debug message at here.??

i will ask you again , if the banana pi m3 has bluetooth on board , one , do I need a bluetooth dongle ??? I am running ubuntu mate . why is it not working . the bluetooth dongle is 4.0 . so tell me how to set it up please. also my banana pi m3 does not play youtube . click on the start and just sit there. the board is also hot . I would like some one to help or I put it in the bin , as I also asked about cleaning up the emmc as not the board is slow . thank you , Marc

Do you use the Ubuntu image from here: BPI-M3 new image:Ubuntu Mate 15.10 for BPI-M3 (20151203)

There’s nothing written about working BT, maybe they forgot to activate it (like they did with other drivers). Which kernel version is your image using (full output of ‘uname -a’)? And why do you want to throw it into the bin since you can get a full refund if it’s not working as promised?

thanks for the reply , i got ubuntu from hear , is there are problem with it ?? maybe get it oof raspberry pi site . I was using a raspberry pi and had to wirte code to get bluetooth working on it. as it had some thing to do with ubuntu mate , which I went on ubuntu form and found the code , it fixed it on the raspberry pi.