BPI-M2 Berry - Where to find images and how to prepare SD card?

I have a M2 Berry and everytime I boot it up, I get no HDMI signal and the LED just keeps a constant red. I’ve tried different images but none seem to work.

Can anyone suggest me download links for compatible Ubuntu Images and how to install these properly ?

Just to add some information:

I’ve tried these images: https://github.com/armbian-alpha/os/releases/download/23.5.0-trunk.181/Armbian_23.5.0-trunk.181_Bananapim2ultra_bookworm_edge_6.2.13.img.xz https://download.banana-pi.dev/d/3ebbfa04265d4dddb81b/?p=%2FImages%2FBPI-M2U%2FUbuntu16.04&mode=list

I’ve prepared these images on my SD card via Win32 Disk Imager but when I insert the SD card into the Banana Pi and reboot it, the right LED stays red and I dont receive any HDMI input

hi, I work with quite a lot of BPi M2 Berry in school with my students. I got best results with this one: Banana Pi BPI-M2 Berry - Banana Pi Wiki (banana-pi.org)

  • Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Bananapim2ultra_jammy_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img There is a version vom April, 18th with 1.11 GB named Bananapim2berry_jammy_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Bananapim2berry_jammy_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop.img.xz - Google Drive This one has the xfce desktop, after boot setup with sudo armbian-config (keyboard language etc.) and sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade the desktop (GUI) should start in auto login mode. yours, Friedrich
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@fwmoe thanks for this link!!
i will test this one!
do you know why this build is not listed on the official site?
there are only cmd builds (without desktop ) listed there…

sunny greetings stefan