BPI-M2+ Audio outputh through GPIO

Hi everyone, since the BPI-M2+ doesn’t have an audio jack, i wonder if outputting audio signals through GPIO would be possible. I basically want to connect something like [1] to the BPI, connect some speakers and have a working audio interface.

If this is not possible, what would be the recommended solution doing this?

AddOn: Is it even possible to power the amplifier module through GPIO or does it draw to much current? If I understand it correctly, 2x3W theoretically requires a peak account of 1,2A, which seems too much for GPIO. What about practical values?

Thank you for your help!

Hola, soy nuevo en el foro y también en Banana Pi. No intento dar una respuesta sino sumarme a tu pregunta. Es que en RPI Zero yo utilizaba el PWM para enviar audio por el pin 13. Veo que la Banana Pi Zero tiene un PWM1 en el pin 7 y quisiera saber si es posible hacer lo mismo. Podría ser en ARMBIAN o RASPBIAN.